
Showing posts from November, 2020

Are Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings Inferior to Journals?

The answer to the question posed by the title of this article is: It depends on the field and the specific conference and journals that we are referring to. In certain science fields, journals have more prestige than conferences. Articles published in conferences are typically not considered as "publications" when evaluating the annual performance of an academician. In computer science, it can be argued that an article published in a peer-reviewed premier conference proceedings has the same value as an article published in a prestigious journal. You can read Michael Ernst's (a Computer Science Professor at Washington University) opinion about this issue here (written in 2006) . In 2009, when Mosche Vardi (a Computer Science Professor at Rice University) was the Editor-in-Chief of the Communications of the ACM, he  wrote a letter to open up discussions wether conferences are indeed superior in computer science . In January 2020, he wrote another article related to this i...